Thwarting God's Supporters
It would be easier to believe that all the dollar-appointed Christian leaders who tell us that the Bible is best understood literally were on to something if they didn't all disagree on what that literal interpretation is . The Bible is an anthology. Even a casual reading shows that it can't be said to speak with a single literary voice at all . But even ignoring that, once you are sure that your interpretation is the only possible correct interpretation, then your interpretation becomes the very word of God itself. You do not stand to learn anything; you merely stand to see what other voices agree with your vaunted "understanding" and what voices do not. You have authority for no other reason than that you confer it upon yourself . That's the height of arrogance, since it confuses one's ideas about God with God Himself(*). And it doesn't even hold together logically. Consider the following syllogism: P1 : If there are contradictions in the ...