Salvation's Yours; To Hell With All the Rest

It shouldn't be surprising that I am interested in the intersection of faith and power, and that I remain convinced that the two should not exist in the same entity.

This article explains why, rather starkly.  I see two ways to understand what's going on in situations like this:

1. Fernandinho Guarabu's Evangelical church is irrelevant to changing evil in the lives of men, or impotent to do so.

2. This form of Evangelicalism is actively toxic -- it creates, fortifies, and legitimizes evil in the lives of men.

I'd really, really like a third possibility.

Of course, we Americans are generally bad at empathy; we fail to see trends or actions in other countries as relevant to anything we might be doing.  With that in mind, consider this episode of Dateline.

Evangelicalism isn't a trivial element of this story.  It's present in every detail -- the way the shooter and his accomplice talk to one another in police recordings, and the fact that the murder was planned during prayer sessions.  (Anyone who's been in an Evangelical "prayer session" knows how that would have gone.  "Dear Lord, we come before you, Lord, to ask, Lord, just, Lord, that you could just give us the strength, Lord, to take someone's life, Lord.")

Again, I'd really like a third possibility here.

Unless we confront this, and root it out, evil done in the name of our faith and using our God as justification will continue.


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