Come With Me and You'll Be In a World of Pure Imagination
I wish I lived in a world where we had an actual liberal bias in the media -- where accusations from conservative pundits to that effect were correct, not simply a claim based on being upset that the media still doesn't quite lie enough to support a right-wing narrative.
For example, Pelosi and other high-ranking Democrats are being asked (somewhat relentlessly) about the mess in Virginia -- which is odd, because (1) it's not their state, and (2) they don't have the political means to do much about it directly. The questions, as such, have zero good answers; the only truthful answers will upset people, and there are no answers that have any real, demonstrable influence. And yet, these questions are coming from the supposed "liberal media".
The media is about shock and awe, fear, pain, and violence -- and getting audiences to pay for it (and want to pay for more). That's not liberal by any stretch. That's just naked sensationalism overlaid with the profit motive.
While I'm talking alternate universes, I have to admit that I would like to live in a lot of the ones that conservative pundits posit.
Imagine global warming actually being a hoax. Which implies that academia and climate research pay really well -- so well that people run scams just to try to get a part in it. But in real life, we can actually do whatever we want, and basic chemistry will never catch up with us. (Bonus points if we don't have to worry about fossil fuels running out.)
Sexual assault doesn't ever actually happen; all claims are just women who regret their totally consensual sexual encounters and/or people who want to bid for attention.
Women cannot actually get pregnant unless they want to.
Lowering taxes actually increases revenue.
Destroying the social safety nets creates lots of really good jobs.
Owning guns lowers crime.
The only people who need government help are the astronomically lazy. Anyone can take advantage of multiple offers of good, high-paying jobs at their fingertips.
Tort reform works. When you limit medical suits, doctors magically start performing better, insurance companies magically stop wanting to maximize profits, and health care costs plummet.
Overfishing, overfarming, overlogging, overhunting, and other such things can't happen. It is literally impossible to use sufficient resources that the amount available to others is reduced.
The death tax actually is pointless. Everyone who has money came by it through hard work and ingenuity.
Money actually trickles down. The best way to enrich the poor is to enrich the rich.
Jobs are created for the sheer pleasure of creating jobs by those who can afford to do so.
Vaccines actually cause autism. And also, they don't actually protect anyone; all they do is cause illness. When we eliminate them, we eliminate all diseases on Earth. (Technically not a conservative pundit thing, but the chief conservative made noises in this direction, so it's fair game.)
Racism no longer exists in the United States of America. Everyone from store owners to police officers treats every individual as if they have equal worth.
There are only two genders, and everyone really is heterosexual. The people who risk friendships, relationships with family, jobs, their health, and even their lives by acting otherwise are only pretending because they like it.
All of these things would be truly wonderful -- if reality actually supported them. The only thing that's really wrong with any of these ideas is that literally every single fact goes the other way, and that acting as if these things were true stands to hurt millions of human beings. But other than that...
For example, Pelosi and other high-ranking Democrats are being asked (somewhat relentlessly) about the mess in Virginia -- which is odd, because (1) it's not their state, and (2) they don't have the political means to do much about it directly. The questions, as such, have zero good answers; the only truthful answers will upset people, and there are no answers that have any real, demonstrable influence. And yet, these questions are coming from the supposed "liberal media".
The media is about shock and awe, fear, pain, and violence -- and getting audiences to pay for it (and want to pay for more). That's not liberal by any stretch. That's just naked sensationalism overlaid with the profit motive.
While I'm talking alternate universes, I have to admit that I would like to live in a lot of the ones that conservative pundits posit.
Imagine global warming actually being a hoax. Which implies that academia and climate research pay really well -- so well that people run scams just to try to get a part in it. But in real life, we can actually do whatever we want, and basic chemistry will never catch up with us. (Bonus points if we don't have to worry about fossil fuels running out.)
Sexual assault doesn't ever actually happen; all claims are just women who regret their totally consensual sexual encounters and/or people who want to bid for attention.
Women cannot actually get pregnant unless they want to.
Lowering taxes actually increases revenue.
Destroying the social safety nets creates lots of really good jobs.
Owning guns lowers crime.
The only people who need government help are the astronomically lazy. Anyone can take advantage of multiple offers of good, high-paying jobs at their fingertips.
Tort reform works. When you limit medical suits, doctors magically start performing better, insurance companies magically stop wanting to maximize profits, and health care costs plummet.
Overfishing, overfarming, overlogging, overhunting, and other such things can't happen. It is literally impossible to use sufficient resources that the amount available to others is reduced.
The death tax actually is pointless. Everyone who has money came by it through hard work and ingenuity.
Money actually trickles down. The best way to enrich the poor is to enrich the rich.
Jobs are created for the sheer pleasure of creating jobs by those who can afford to do so.
Vaccines actually cause autism. And also, they don't actually protect anyone; all they do is cause illness. When we eliminate them, we eliminate all diseases on Earth. (Technically not a conservative pundit thing, but the chief conservative made noises in this direction, so it's fair game.)
Racism no longer exists in the United States of America. Everyone from store owners to police officers treats every individual as if they have equal worth.
There are only two genders, and everyone really is heterosexual. The people who risk friendships, relationships with family, jobs, their health, and even their lives by acting otherwise are only pretending because they like it.
All of these things would be truly wonderful -- if reality actually supported them. The only thing that's really wrong with any of these ideas is that literally every single fact goes the other way, and that acting as if these things were true stands to hurt millions of human beings. But other than that...
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